
NAGALAND – borders boundaries belonging

£250, edition 20

Hardback cover in buckram foil blocked. Drum leaf binding. Printed leterpress onto Zerkall paper, lino, polymer plate and metal type. Text set in Gill Sans. 19.5cm sq.

The Assam of the 1940’s is now subdivided into the ‘Seven Sister’ states as a result of different tribal groups pushing for autonomy. It is a politically sensitive region of disputed frontiers and borders, incursions and crossings. In 2011 some of the states that had been subject to ‘Protected, Restricted Area’ status opened up to lone travellers enabling me to travel to this remote and diverse region of Asia. The bookwork was inspired by the Angami area of Nagaland: and my fascination with the trans-cultural connections and collisions caused by war, migration and colonisation. The images were produced from drawings done on location.